Are you saving the item after you set properties on the WordMail item?
Other than that I can't think of anything offhand, if you can't get
Inspector.CurrentItem.Subject after the first Inspector.Activate event has
fired then something is definitely wrong.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
wrote in message
before i go through and post my code, (i have to strip alot out)
i am able to access the attachments array ok
I can set the to and subject properties programmatically, by doinng = ", i can slo set the subject too
But, when i click my custom control and check, it is
nothing, empty!
i added the following ot control and clicked it = "
objmailitem.subject = "tester"
The fields int he email are updated with this information, then when i
click my send custom control and check the fields, these values are
displayed, even if i add extra info to the fields.
Very wierd any clues? if not, i will post my code. this is only
apparent when using word as editor, all works fine when using