Adding a recipient from the "ItemSend" event
Far too frequently I send an e-mail to someone and I forget something,
so I send them another e-mail. I usually go to my sent items folder
and hit "Reply" so that the new e-mail has the old text in it.
When I do this in gmail, it knows I want to send the reply to the
original addressee. When I do this in Outlook 2007, it makes the
reply out to me. This is not desired and it annoys me to have to copy
and paste the text I just wrote into a new, readdressed e-mail.
However, for some reason the e-mail is still addressed to me, BUT gets
sent to the desired recipient with my name in the "To:" field! This
is wierd and this is where I need help.
To test my code you will need someone else you can send e-mails to.
Put this code in, then send them one e-mail, then go to your sent
folder, reply to that message, and hit send to activate my code. It's
wierd! This all boils down to one big question:
1) How do I get it to actually change the text of who it is sending it
to as it sends it?
....with a few side questions if you're feeling extra helpful:
2) How do I reset the Recipients collection so I'm not a part of it
3) Can I get this event to trigger when I first create the reply, not
just at the last minute when I send it?
4) My code is currently in a module(?) called "ThisOutlookSession".
Will this save and work between sessions? If not, will inserting a
new module fix that?
Thank you for your attention and possible help,
Finally my code:
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As
On Error GoTo Err_ItemSend
Dim objRecipient As Recipient
'STEP 1. Checks to see if the message is a reply (by seeing if the
subject has "")
'Is there a better way to do this?
If UCase(Left(Item.Subject, 3)) = "" Then
'STEP 2. Checks to see if the recipients are only myself
Dim strRecipients As String
strRecipients = ""
For Each objRecipient In Item.Recipients
strRecipients = strRecipients & objRecipient.Name & ";"
If strRecipients = "MyLastName, MyFirstName;" Then
'Is there a way to not hardcode my name so it works for
'STEP 3. Looks up the text of who the message is REALLY to
'is there a better way to do this than searching the body text?
Dim intCursor As Integer
intCursor = InStr(Item.Body, "To: ") + 4
If intCursor 4 Then
strRecipients = Mid(Item.Body, intCursor, 20)
intCursor = InStr(strRecipients, vbCr) - 1
If intCursor = 0 Then
strRecipients = InStr(strRecipients, ";") - 1
End If
Debug.Print strRecipients & " : " & intCursor
If intCursor 0 Then
strRecipients = Left(strRecipients, intCursor)
Select Case MsgBox("Send message to " & strRecipients & "?",
Case vbYes:
'STEP 4. Adds the real recipient to the list
'STEP 5. Continue with the send
Dim objMe As Recipient
Set objMe = Item.Recipients.Add(strRecipients)
objMe.Type = olBCC
Set objMe = Nothing
Case vbNo:
If MsgBox("Send item to yourself?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
Case Else:
Cancel = True
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End If
Set objRecipient = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There was an error while checking if your e-mail was a
reply to yourself." & vbCr & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_ItemSend
End Sub