If you are using stationery, some default to a specific font and size and
you can't change that.
Also see:
OLEXP: The Font Size Changes When You Press ENTER in a New Message:
OLEXP: Default Font Size Is Not Applied in a New HTML E-mail Message:
OLEXP: Large or Small Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:
OLEXP: Cannot Change Text Format Using Outlook Express:
OLEXP: Large Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Lou" wrote in message
. ..
I selected a stationary background for my OE Express and everytime I
want to send a New Message that stationary comes up just fine. However
the Text color and size that I selected under OptionsCompose (and
saved) are NOT coming up when I want to send a New Email Message. I am
set for HTML on Mail so all settings should be fine. Just cannot get my
text setting to come up when I want to send a New Mail Message.
Thank you for any advice!