Does Pocket PC have Access as a part of its Pocket Office?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, ninner asked:
| It seems strange that my Pocket PC has a feature that Outlook doesn't,
| especially since MS developed the OS and software. I'm not impressed
| that there's not a fix!
| "Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote:
|| no. you can add custom fields that will calculate the birthday but
|| it's not a feature built in.
|| --
|| Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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|| "ninner" wrote in message
|| ...
||| On my Pocket PC, when I put in a birthday or anniversary, it
||| displays the number of years since inception. For instance, I have
||| a friend who's birthday
||| in on 3/22. On my Pocket PC, after the text "Debi H's BD," in
||| parenthesis it
||| has (50), noting that she'll be 50 years old. In Outlook, though
||| the info is
||| synced with the proper birth year, there's no notation of her age.
||| Is there a
||| way to get that to show on the Outlook calendar when you print it?