Thanks for the replies. The Message Rule sounds like it would be too much
of a pain to maintain. I just want to find a program that integrates into
OE that just does approved and blocked senders only. No SPAM detection
using filters or anything just approved and blocked senders is all. Kind of
like Outlook 2003.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Tools | Options | Message Rules | Mail | New.
Box 1 - Where the From line contains people {check it}
Box 2 - Check: Delete it from server (Or Delete it & Stop processing more
rules if you want messages not in the Address Book to go to Deleted
Box 3 - Click on the blue words Contains People
Click on the first address to highlight it. Scroll down to the end and
hold down the Ctrl key while you click on the last address. This will
highlight them all. Right click on them and click on From in the menu that
Now click Options and Choose: Message *does not contain* the people below
in the top Options box, and choose: Message matches any one of the people
below in the bottom Options box.
OK your way out of the new rule.
Now, only addresses you entered will be downloaded. You will not see any
other e-mail.
Don't forget, if you add someone to your Address Book, you will have to
add them to the rule. It will not be added automatically.
Be sure to see these links for more options.
Some Message Rule Ideas:
Some tips:
Message Rules not working?:
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Buford T. Justice" wrote in message
Is there a program available that simply allows only approved senders to
go to the Inbox and blocked senders to go to Deleted Items? Perhaps it
could read the Windows Address Book for approved senders and senders not
in it are seen as blocked senders. I think that would be a very
effective and easy way to deal with spam. I would be surprised if there
is not a simple freeware add-on for Outlook Express that would do this.