Blocked Senders
You can only block on an e-mail address and not a display name. Highlight
the message header and then Ctrl+F3. The From address is what you need to
block. If the poster keeps changing that, then there is nothing much you can
do. Most newsgroups do not require a valid e-mail address to post. (Note
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"ModlrMike" wrote in message
I use OE to read my newsgroups. In one of them, there is a real pest who I
would like to block. The problem is that he changes his "from" line with
almost every post. I have at least 10 instances of the same character in
blocked senders list. The good thing is that he uses the same handle as
identity. Is there a way to just block his handle and not the whole domain
sends from? EG: would blocking "ralphoo@*.*" be sufficient, or would I
to be even more specific?