Personal Data Files
I'm using Outlook 2003 running under XP and talking to two Hotmail accounts.
My personal folders box shows 3 groups of personal files: one for each
hotmail account and one which is the default mail delivery location for
hotmail. All 3 groups have sent, delete, inbox, etc. folders.
The inbox in the 'mail delivery location is always empty'; however the
delete and sent folders are filled from both of the corresponding folders in
each of the 2 hotmail account folder groups. To delete messages, I have to
delete them in the appropriate hotmail account folder as well as pick them
out of the folder in the 'mail delivery location' folder, which is redundant
and of course a little silly.
Is there a way to make each hotmail account folder group the default
location for the respective hotmail account so I can delete the redundant
(and confusing) third group of folders? Or is there a way, when I delete
messages from one of the hotmail account folders, to trigger the deletion of
those same messages in the corresponding folder in the 'mail delivery' group?
A related question: if I set a very short 'life' to messages in the sent and
delete folders in the "mail delivery location" group, will that in any way
impact the duplicate version of those messages held in the corresponding
folder under the hotmail account?