Try Western European (ISO) Are you using HTML? Stationery? Make sure even
Blank is not selected for stationery.
Does this happen if you send yourself an e-mail?
Also see:
OLEXP: The Font Size Changes When You Press ENTER in a New Message:;en-us;Q232001
OLEXP: Default Font Size Is Not Applied in a New HTML E-mail Message:;en-us;Q240730
OLEXP: Large or Small Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:;en-us;Q276435
OLEXP: Cannot Change Text Format Using Outlook Express:;en-us;Q178895
OLEXP: Large Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:;EN-US;q276435
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Sportsluvr" wrote in message
I've always had my OE set to 'Arial 10 point' for composing/reading emails
and I discovered (surprisingly) that going back as far as April 2006
(possibly earlier), all recipents of my emails are getting them as Times
Roman 10 point (TNR) regardless of whether they use an email program or
webmail. If I change default font to anything but Arial or TNR, that font
comes out OK on the recipents end (i.e. if I select Verdana as default it
comes out as Verdana on recipents email). Oddly enough, if I change
font to TNR, and manually select Arial when composing email, the Arial
appears on recipients end.
Note, in my OE settings 'Read Fonts' are @ Western European Windows (not
'ISO') for encoding, 'Send tab' shows International settings as Western
European Windows (not ISO), Compose font as Arial 10 point. 'Read tab'
for 'proportional font' is 'Arial'. The option 'use default encoding
all incoming messages' is checked under "int'l settings button" (West
European Windows). Note, in my OE settings 'Read Fonts' are @ Western
European Windows (not ISO) for encoding, Send tab shows International
settings as Western European Windows (not ISO), Compose font as Arial 10
point. Internet Explorer Encoding set to "Autoselect'.
When I tested this w/ a friend who also used OE and has SAME settings as
in OE, she said any emails I sent to her came/come out as 10 point Times
Roman. Internet Explorer Encoding set to "Autoselect' (using IE6).
Another friend's emails to me (also sent via OE), was for a few days being
shown with the words "central european" next to subject name on the blue
toolbar of message border. But as the TNR 10 point is being displayed on
all recipients (and not Arial 10 point), regardless of whether they use an
email program or webmail, I don't think this temporary Central European
is essential to my problem.
I am (have always been) fully patched for XP Pro, OE, Office 2003 Pro
How can I fix my OE so all outgoing messages appear on recipents end as
Arial 10-point (keep in mind that all recipents have always had their
programs set as Arial 10 point for reading/composing)??
Thanks very much for helping me fix this!