Outlook 2007
Fresh Vista Business OS Restore on Acer Laptop
Fresh Complete Install Office Ultimate 2007 (Retail)
When I try and setup a new account to our Exchange 2003 SP2 server, it
takes the information and then return an error;
.....RTFHTML.dll cannot be found in your path....
When I click "OK" I get another error;
OUTLOOK.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not
found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
Well, I tried that, but did not work. Tried a Repair and that did not
work. Completely un-installing rebooted, defraged hard drive,
rebooted, installed again, and still same error. Completely re-
formatted hard drive and installed Office Ultimate 2007 again, but
still same issue.
I see the file on the Office CD, and looked where similar files were
stored and tried placing the file there, but still no luck.
Sorry, but this seems really silly that I am using the latest greatest
OS and Office but canot get it to work. I did use the Beta copies of
Vista and Office and did not have this many problems.
Please help.