Thread: OE wont open
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Old March 17th 07, 10:56 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 12
Default OE wont open

Forgot to say that the "core windows components" directdb.dll and
inetcomm.dll could'nt be found anywhere!!! - Significant?

"andytj" wrote:

Hi Tim,
deleted folder - no change.
started re-install - got as far as "start windows in safe mode" to rename
files like msoe.dll - F8 button does nothing (previously used F2 to go into
BIOS and that worked fine).
Is there another way of starting in safe mode like a dos command?
Am I in a mess?
Is there a way of downloading OE6 and installing it over existing OE5, but
without this PC being connected to the web? ie6setup.exe is only a web

"Kuay Tim" wrote:

Hi Andy,

The problem may be carried over with upgrading. You should, however, give
serious consideration to doing this before too long. Microsoft has done much
work to improve OE 6.

Here are two more KB articles that might help to resolve the situation. The
first involves damage to the master indexing file in the message store. The
reinstall article addresses damaged install issues. A possibly damaged
install can be addressed before doing the upgrade.

Damaged Folders.dbx file in the message store folder
Also, see the articles in the More Information section.


Tim K.
aka Kuay Tim
MS-MVP - Outlook Express
Lynnwood, WA
"andytj" wrote in message
Thanks for the advice Tim.
I've checked *.dbx files - all OK
Ive deleted two identities as directed -no change other than error message
comes up quicker.
It has set up a default identity key on re-boot but with same result ie no
Any other thoughts? Would upgrading to OE6 do anything?

"Kuay Tim" wrote:

Hi Andy,

This issue is covered in the Microsoft KB. The leading causes for the
are files being read-only in the message store or a damaged OE identity.

See this article for more information.
OLEXP: Error Message: Msimn.exe Has Generated Errors and Will Be Closed by

Tim K.
aka Kuay Tim
MS-MVP - Outlook Express
Lynnwood, WA
"andytj" wrote in message
"Have had virus trouble. Removed viruses and upgraded WinME to Win2000.
can't open OE5 - get error message "msimn.exe has generated errors and
be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program." Re-installed
2000 "repair and upgrade" option but no change!
Any suggestions?
I installed a second Windows 2000 clean and it opens OE5 just fine, but
this second Win 2000 none of my software or data is available to it!!!
