Thread: ID'S
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Old March 18th 07, 03:01 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default ID'S

"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Determine which one you are using, and delete the other. Or better yet,
identities can become corrupt, especially the main identity. I would
create yet another identity and import the messages from the main identity
and delete both of them.

Make sure you have your Address Book and anything else needed in the new
ID before you delete the old one(s).
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express

"Gimpy" wrote in message
I have 2 ID'S in outlet express. Main Id & one I use for business. All of
a sudden last night when I went to "file"& switch ID'S the little box
opens & lo & behold I now have 2 main ID"S ( one on top of the other ) +
my business one .. Any ideas where the second Main ID came from & how to I
get back to just one without messing something up? Thanks Gimpy..

Thanks Bruce. but 2 questions. #1 how do I determine which one I'm using
or is the active one & #2 I have quite a few newsgroups I sub. to, so how
can import that list to a new ID? Address book & messages I
understand...... Thanks Gimpy.
