New Contact
Help me understand what you need to do and why. Table views are not optimal
for new data entry. Why does the New Contact form in another view not work
for you?
Russ Valentine
"Susie" wrote in message
Thanks, Russ. I appreciate all of your time and effort. I was aware of
top entry line, but I thought that if I were checking the need for an
anyway, I might be able to insert it in order right then and there, not
return to the top, enter my information, and then have a need to sort.
well! If you ever find a way to do that, I would really love to know as
would be a tremendous timesaver.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
The Add a New Contact Line is at the top of every Table view. There is
a need to insert a new Contact between two others. Where the new Contact
ultimately appears will be controlled by the sort order of the view in
Russ Valentine
"Susie" wrote in message
Thank you, Russ. I still have a problem. I can ADD a name to my list
in Table View by Category, but I am unable to INSERT an entry between
other entries. Did I misunderstand you?
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Yes. Just use any Table view of your Contacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
"Susie" wrote in message
Can a new contact be added by inserting a line and not using the
If so, how?