Hiding grouped email addresses on recipients email.
Ralph wrote:
I was wondering how I can send an email to a contact (distribution)
list and keep the addresses hidden on the recipients side.
Short answer: You can't. A contact distribution list is a grouping of
convenience, but is not actually a recognized email address.
Long answer: Since you can't, directly, there are a few workarounds.
1) If you're using an Exchange server, have the admin create your contacts
as mail enabled contacts and a DL to contain them (and they can even make it
so that only you can mail it). It's a little overkill, but it works.
2) BCC the Contact List. The downside of this is that the recipient gets
an email in the mailbox that isn't actually To them if they look at the
headers. You can put your own address on the To line so at least something
is there. The big downside of this is that more and more spam filters don't
like messages that aren't 'to' the person who they are protecting and will
dump them.
3) Mail merge to the recipients. it's a lot more steps, but the users get
mail addressed to them and only to them, and the only thing likely to set
off spam filters is content. Note: I am not suggesting you are trying to
send spam. I am merely saying that spam filters recognize whatever they
want as spam.