Thank you for your report.
Maybe there's something wrong with my code? I tried setting the
meetingstatus to olmeetingcanceled then send it before deleting the meeting,
and all it sent out was an updated meeting notification, it didn't say the
meeting was cancelled. When I do send after the delete, it says the meeting
has been deleted and it still didn't send any cancellation notice.
Here it is:
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As NameSpace
Dim olfolder As MAPIFolder
Dim olApptItems As Outlook.Items
Dim olCurrAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim strSearch As String
Dim sngMeetingCount As Single
Dim blMeetingDeleted As Boolean
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olfolder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set olApptItems = olNS.GetDefaultFolder _
strSearch = "Test Meeting Invitation"
MsgBox olApptItems.Find("[Subject] = """ & strSearch & """")
Set olCurrAppt = olApptItems.Find("[Subject] = """ & strSearch & """")
While TypeName(olCurrAppt) "Nothing"
olCurrAppt.MeetingStatus = olMeetingCanceled
' olCurrAppt.Send
blMeetingDeleted = True
sngMeetingCount = sngMeetingCount + 1
Set olCurrAppt = olApptItems.FindNext
If blMeetingDeleted = True Then
MsgBox "All meetings (" & sngMeetingCount & ") related to this request
have been deleted"
MsgBox "There are no meeting associated to this request."
End If
Set olApptItems = Nothing
Set olCurrAppt = Nothing
Set olfolder = Nothing
Set olNS = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
"Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
You shouldn't have to code a solution for this. If you cancel a meeting and
send a meeting update, users will receive the cancellation notice with an
option to remove it from their calendar, which will also delete the reminder.
Eric Legault (Outlook MVP, MCDBA, MCTS: Messaging & Collaboration)
Try Picture Attachments Wizard for Outlook:
"dbornt" wrote:
Ultimately I would like for the user to create the meeting to cancel the
meeting so that the reminders doesn't keep popping up for everybody who was
invited to the meeting. But I hit a snag when I tried to do this via Access.
I was able to cancel the meeting but it didn't send any cancellation email
out. (I asked about this in another session: Subject: Send meeting
cancelation notice. 2/26/2007 6:03 AM PST ). It seems to me that when
Access created the meeting (Outlook creates 1 iinstance of the meeting) and
when Outlook sends the meeting invitation it somehow creates another one that
it doesn't save. Because when the invitee accepted the invitation the email
the person gets back says that this meeting is not in the calendar (although
I can see it in there).
So now I'm trying to figure a different way to do that. Do you have a
different way to approach this?
"Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Is your intent to delete appointment items in other user's Calendars?
To get access to an item by it's ID, use the NameSpace.GetItemFromID method.
This will not allow you to get access to items outside of your mailbox
unless you have access to them via secondary mailboxes that are loaded in
your profile or via shared folders.
Eric Legault (Outlook MVP, MCDBA, MCTS: Messaging & Collaboration)
Try Picture Attachments Wizard for Outlook:
"dbornt" wrote:
I'm working with Access and Outlook Meeting. Trying to figure out the best
way to create and delete meeting from Access. I've created the meeting
successfully, but haven't been able to delete and send a delete notice to
other meeting participants. I read something about using Global Object ID to
uniquely identify the meetings and have read this article
To access the Global Object ID programmatically, use the following
information.Property Set Tag (Namespace)
GUID = {6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305}
Named Property ID: 3
But I still don't understand where do I need to put this, and how exactly
can I use the Global Object ID in my app (how do I code it?). Any help or
suggestions is appreciated...