Hi Oliver
I use ActvieSync 4.5 to synchronize my pda with my pc. Can I use the same
software to synchronize between my pc and laptop?
Jackie D
"Oliver Vukovics" wrote:
Hi Jackie,
How to move the items:
If you only want to move the calendar, you could "Export" the calendar
a PST file, move this PST to the new computer and then you can import this
calendar into the default PST.
To synchronize works only with a 3rd party utility.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Notebooks: Public SyncTool
"Jackie D" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I was thinking of moving the items on to another pc but I wouldn't mind
knowing how to synchronize as well.
Jackie D
"Oliver Vukovics" wrote:
Hi Jackie,
do you want to synchronize Outlook between 2 PCs or do you want to move
items (PST) on a new computer?
For synchronization tools and information have a look on this sites:
How to move a PST file:
If you only want to move the calendar, you could "Export" the calendar
a PST file, move this PST to the new computer and then you can import
calendar into the default PST.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Notebooks: Public SyncTool
"Jackie D" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I have Outlook 2007. I want to move all the calendar items to my laptop.
is the easiest and most effective way of doing this?
Jackie D