Check you Blocked Senders list (Tools, Message Rules, Blocked Senders).
You may have accidentally blocked yourself.
Also, if you are running any anti-spam software on your PC, or your ISP
does, check the spam (junk, trash, bulk, etc.) folder to see if the
messages might be going there.
Mike -
"STEPHEN CATRAMBONE" wrote in message
This is confusing...
I am receiving some e-mail from the outside, however, when I send myself
an e-mail to my comcast account via of my comcast account, it does not
come through.
Also, when I send an e-mail via another account I have to my comcast
e-mail, it does not go through, either. The one I sent via comcast to a
comcast account did not show up in my sent items either.
I did just re-install Macafee onto my laptop. I had Norton, but it
I am thinking it has something to so with my settings, but I still get
some outside e-mail.
Stephen A. Catrambone
UOP Online Faculty