Problem with OWA logon
On 3 avr, 23:36, "Roady [MVP]"
t wrote:
Better post this in an Exchange newsgroup as OWA is part of Exchange and not
Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more
-----"Piktus" wrote in message
we use exchange 2003 on our organisation. We have many domain.
We have migrate 5 new domain recently. 3 of them without problem.
But for the 2 other, we can't have a succesfull logon on OWA.
On the master OWA (connected on internet), if i try to logon directly
(with IE) on the distant OWA ... we have a succesfull logon but if i
try directly from internet i have a reason=2 (domain\username or
password error)
On Event Viewer we see the response of remote Exchange/AD with a
succesfull logon.
The primary OWA was in DMZ but all necessary port between exchange are
Someone can helpl me ?- Masquer le texte des messages précédents -
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Oups sorry for this mistake