Customised Contact Form not being published properly
I have been customising a Contact form. I have 3 currency number fields.
"mxzVehiclePurchasePrice" + "mxzWarrantyCost" = "mxzVehicleCostTotal" . If
"mxzWarrantyCost" changes its value I want to set "mxzVehicleCostTotal" to
I have had to make it that "mxzVehicleCostTotal" is initially reset to 0 if
the warranty field is altered. Otherwise "mxzVehicleCostTotal" doesn't total
This is fine when you go Tools, Forms, Choose Form and then select the form
that way. If a user tries to open up a contact and edit their record
“mxzVehicleCostTotal" is not set to 0.00. Why, Please?
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)
' mxz variables
If Name = "mxzWarrantyCost" Then
Item.UserProperties("mxzVehicleCostTotal").Value = 0.00
Item.UserProperties("mxzVehicleCostTotal").Value = _
Item.UserProperties("mxzVehiclePurchasePrice").Val ue + _
End If
End Sub
Thank you
Thank You in Advance,
Michael Anderson