Thread: Double messages
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Old April 6th 07, 11:28 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 95
Default Double messages

Please help.

Environment - XP Pro, OE 6.0

I have tried the suggested fix of deleting / recreating the pop3iul.dbx(?)
file. I am not dealing with Hotmail or MSN. The situation was double
e-mails. Now I am getting triple, quaduple... I am not the user; user is
somewhat computer-challenged. I am hoping that what I am seeing (hearing
about) is not caused by stopping the recreation process. I don't know...have
not physically picked up the notebook to do myself.

We are leaving messages on the pop3 server. Sometimes, we need to retrieve
e-mails "accidentally" deleted. We do have one other e-mail profile
). It is not being used, nor do I believe we have message
forwarding from main account to account in place. User would
not know how.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know it is a holiday weekend. I am
looking forward to any assistance out there.

Thanks & Happy Easter,