How did you migrate your data when you upgraded? You failed to configure
your Outlook Address Book Service. Do so now.
Russ Valentine
"AspenMan" wrote in message
I just upgraded from Outlook 2000 to 2003. In the old outlook, I could
on "New" to start a fresh outgoing email window and then click on "TO" to
the contacts list to pop up for me to select from. Now, I can't get the
version to let me access my contacts list this way. It's very clumsy to
to go to "contacts" and open up the list, then I have to right click on
name of the person I want to send an email to, and click "new message to
contact". Then it pops up with that persons name ready to go and I can
my email.
I tried to click on the address book icon on the standard tool bar, then
options, and when I want to type in "contacts" in the "show this address
first" box, it won't let me enter anything.
Is there some way to link my contacts list to my new email window right
it comes up?