Sorry if my original code wasn't clear. I have slightly modified this but
still no joy:
As I said, I am working on a customised contact form. I have a keyword type
ListBox "ListBox3" with a field called "mxzNCRL2". It has 3 possible values:
Bunnings;Forklift;First Aid. I am trying to get the selected value or values
onto a text variable, "txtmxzNCRL2". No selected keyword prints out.
Supporting documentation doesn't discuss this.
Dim txtmxzNCRL2
Dim objInspector
Dim objPage
Set txtmxzNCRL2 = objPage.Controls("ListBox3")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile= fso.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True)
Set objInspector = Item.GetInspector
Thank You in Advance,
Michael Anderson
"Hollis D. Paul" wrote:
In article ,
=?Utf-8?B?TWljaGFlbCBBbmRlcnNvbg==?= wrote:
txtmxzNCRL2 = Item.UserProperties("mxzNCRL2").Value
That line doesn't make a bit of sense to me.
Take a look at these pages and look for coding examples on and concerning listboxes.
To populate a combo box on a Microsoft Outlook form 8/9/2005
Microsoft Outlook VBScript code sample to populate a combo or list box
on an Outlook form using an ADO disconnected recordset - 21 KB
TIP: To get help with Microsoft Outlook programming objects
Tip on how to use the Object Browser as an index to get more
information on Outlook model objects - 15 KB
Microsoft Outlook Developer Tips 8/9/2005
Tips for developing applications with Microsoft Outlook - 19 KB
Controls on Microsoft Outlook Custom Forms 8/18/2005
Tips, tricks and other resources for using controls on Microsoft
Outlook forms - 34 KB
Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
Mukilteo, WA USA