Get text from keyword Listbox
In article ,
=?Utf-8?B?TWljaGFlbCBBbmRlcnNvbg==?= wrote:
That makes more sense, as you are now referencing the control. As far
as I recall, the list options are an array, and you have use the index
value of the control to pick the value out of the array. I don't
remember at all how they do multi-values.
Historically, VBScript is a cut down version of VB4. You really need
to look up, in a VB4 book, how such a control is used. It isn't always
the same, because VBScript is a cut down version. But that is where
you should start. I would suggest asking in a VBA newsgroup, like
public.VB.Controls, if that still exists, or
Hollis D. Paul [MVP - Outlook]
Mukilteo, WA USA