Outlook 2007 Missing members in Distribution Lists
Well that is exacly where I started, and I've tried it three times on
different machines to Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 and in all cases only
some of the members of the distribution lists are not transferred to the new
instance. It really is staggering that this doesn't work. A little more time
understanding and improving upgrade paths would be welcomed over yet another
"new look".
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Jersey_Roger wrote:
I set up a new user under Vista then imported the Outlook 2000 pst
file - my distribution lists are there but none of them have any
members, worse than before. Do I really need to "export" from Outlook
2000 and then import into 2007?
Exporting and importing will almost always break DLs, as has been described
countless times in the Outlook newsgroups. Never export to or import from a
PST to transfer Outlook Data. Since you want to use an OL 2000 PST in OL
2007, just open it there with FileOpenOutlook Data File.
Brian Tillman