Do a File, Save Attachments, to save the mesage5.txt file. Then rename
to an EML file (e..g. message5.EML). Double click the EML file and it
will open in an OE message reading window. Or you can drag the EML file
into an open OE folder.
For some more information on this problem see the Problems and
Complications section of
Decoding Internet Attachments - A Tutorial
It's towards the send of the section.
Mike -
"Chip and Roxanne" wrote in message
I have received a few emails from a friend that I can not seem to read
the attachment. When I click on it I go to note pad and receive a
encrypted message. The attachments read Message 5. txt (97.3kb). I
have never had any problem like this before and also checked with the
sender and they say they have done nothing different when sending. I am
using XP pro and OE 6 any ideas would be appreciated.
Later Gator Herb (Chip) & Roxanne