Personal Folder Error
I created this user a long time ago, I then linked (2) calendars that were
stored on my sharepoints site. Vacation and Training. when i have my user try
and view them the follwoing error is displayed: "The path specified for the
file C:\Documents and Settings\username.domain.001\localsettings\applica tion
data\microsoft\outlook\sharepoints folders.pst is not valid." When I clikc ok
it will bring em to another pst window. Im not sure whats going on so i
cancell the windows. The next time I go into the calendar area and try to
check the 2 previously created calendars it give me the following error. The
set of folders could not be opened. The server is not available. Contact your
administrator if this condition persists.
What is going on here and how can I fix this???