Using / Finding a Published Form
Great, thanks so much for your assistance Paul. I was able to locate my form
and save it as needed. One other question for you (or anyone) is that some
of the people in my firm (yes we have an exchange server) are able to access
the form with no problems. However, other people are not able to. As I
looked into the cause, I noticed that anyone that has an older version of
Outlook has problems finding the form. I created the form with Outlook 2003
and those people who have that same version can access it fine. The people
using Outlook 2000 cannot locate it. Is there a way to have the form
accessable to all or is the only option to get those using 2000 to upgrade to
the newer system?
"Brooke" wrote:
I created a new form (2003 Outlook) and pulished it, but now I can't figure
out how to access it. I can find it in "Outlook -- Options -- Advanced --
Custom Forms -- Manage Forms" but that's about it. I would like to save it
on a drive that can be accessed by many people.
When I click on my document (after locating it as I have stated above) and
then clicking "Save As" and put it where I desired, it saves it as an .fdm.
That type of form doesn't open properly when I try to now open the document
from that drive. So I tried going to the document (same way as above) and
then saving it as an .oft. That doesn't work either.
Is there somewhere else that I can access this form and some way that I can
save it on a company drive so that it opens to the form as I have created it?
I appreciate your assistance.