How to get all events for a perticular date, (need exact filter)
In the Outlook Instant search using Folder.GetTable() method, we found
that while filtering the calendar events for a particular date it is
giving all calendar events for that date plus all recurring items even
if not on that date ( i.e. if we have recurring meeting say weekly
meeting on Monday and we are firing query on Tuesday's date to get
calendar events then we are getting all events on that Tuesday's date
plus the recurring meeting on Monday which occurrence is not on
Tuesday's date). These problems are with the Weekly, Monthly and
Yearly calendar items.
So to get exact result which filters we will need to use in the
Folder.GetTable() method??
I am using following filter :
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart = '12:00 AM, 04/18/2007')
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart '12:00 AM,04/19/2007')
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtend '12:00 AM, 04/18/2007')
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtend = '12:00 AM,04/19/2007')
Please help ..
Thanks in advance