On Apr 19, 7:11 pm, "Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]"
When you add a filter to a Table object you are dealing with raw MAPI
properties, not Outlook properties that have been massaged to show local
time. You must use UTC times with tables in all cases. So do any of those
dates when compensated for local time still return items that are out of
your filter range?
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]http://www.slovaktech.com
Author: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Optionshttp://www.slovaktech.com/products.htm
wrote in message
In the Outlook Instant searchusingFolder.GetTable() method, we found
that whilefilteringthe calendareventsfor a particular date it is
giving all calendareventsfor that date plus all recurring items even
if not on that date ( i.e. if we have recurring meeting say weekly
meeting on Monday and we are firing query on Tuesday's date to get
calendareventsthen we are getting alleventson that Tuesday's date
plus the recurring meeting on Monday which occurrence is not on
Tuesday's date). These problems are with the Weekly, Monthly and
Yearly calendar items.
So to get exact result which filters we will need to use in the
Folder.GetTable() method??
I amusingfollowing filter :
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart = '12:00 AM, 04/18/2007')
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart '12:00 AM,04/19/2007')
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtend '12:00 AM, 04/18/2007')
(urn:schemas:calendar:dtend = '12:00 AM,04/19/2007')
Please help ..
Thanks in advance- Hide quoted text -
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Yes i am not using UTC time but still it must have to give me the
exact result of my given filter range.
And only recurrence events those are not scheduled within the filter
range are coming with the events which are scheduled within the filter
You can say that all the recurrences items in my calendar are coming
when i filter out events within a perticular range.
Can you try using the above posted filter ?? what is the result you
are getting ??