Getting emails back?
Hi all,
I am using Outlook 2003. I had lots of different directories
and subdirectories under Inbox. I did an archive function
to a file named 20070417.pst where the date went from
1/1/07 to the oldest. I then did another archive function that
went from 4/17/07 to the oldest to the same filename
20070417.pst. I copied the following to an external source:
Outlook.pst 797,585 KB 4/18/2007 7:30pm
20070417.pst 684,497 KB 4/18/2007 7:30pm
backup.pst 265 KB 2/7/2006 4:52pm
extend.dat 1 KB 4/6/2007 2:43pm
I copied the above to a new computer. I then did a
File - Open - Outlook Data File - and pointed
to the 20070417.pst. It created all the directories and
subdirectories with the names in them but there was
NO EMAILS. Where did my emails go? How do I
get them back?