What does MAPILab say to this?
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Quick-Cats - Categorize Outlook data:
Am Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:13:39 -0500 schrieb d4rkn1ght:
For the past 3 days I have been using the 30 days trial of MAPILab NNTP
on Outlook 2000. http://www.mapilab.com/outlook/nntp/
For free servers like Microsoft and Mozilla it works fine on everything.
But I when try to add other free servers like AIOE.org and IDG.pl I can
only get their newsgroups list, but I can't get the list of post of a
subscribed single newsgroup.
Does anyone that uses MAPILab NNTP have the same problem? Or is it
something that I configured wrong?
Another weird issue is that on Outlook 2000 going to tools, I keep
getting a new "Newsgroup.." tab every other time I start Outlook. It's
hard to explain, and it doesn’t happen all the time, but here is a
pictu http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8...tperrorny7.png
I also tried NewsHound http://www.shorelinesoftware.com/index.htm, but
I couldn’t get that one to work at all.
I'm using Windows 2000 with Outlook 2000 (Corporate/workgroup mode).