more then 20 mailboxes
What works for me is to have created subfolders of the main inbox, named in
my case by company, then use rules to move mail appropriately.
I've done same with the main Sent, allthough in this case I use a VBA to
popup a window so I can save sent mail in the appropriate folder
I've assumed pst and not exchange folders
I'm not sure what you are asking about the Calender
"jd.sunshine77" wrote in message
Sorry, here you get the lost informations.
On 20 Apr., 15:58, "Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:
jd.sunshine77 wrote:
Which component of Outlook seems to cause the problem (Calendar,
Inbox, Deleted Items, etc.)?
more then 20 Mailboxes
Do you mean Exchange mailboxes? Or PST files? Or, folders within PST
I mean MS Office Outlook 2003 SP2 and the inboxes of them.
Please give a detailed description of the problem (error message,
I use in my Outlook more than 20 Mailboxes. So I can manage all
incomming mails. But the
mailbox-names are unsorted. So I need a lot of time to find the right
inbox. Is it possible that I can sort the mailboxes after the name?
More info needed.
I try it ...
beside my own mailbox I have above 20 mailboxes. Because I've to
manage a lot of persons. The structure is not sorted. So I can't find
a mailbox very fast. Again and again, I've to search after a box and
this need a lot of time. I would like to alphabetical sort the boxes.
I tried it, as I created all boxes new and sort it in alphabetical
sorting. It looks good until I saved it and then I 've seen that the
boxes haply arranged ? .
The calender I could do it, while I pull it on the right place. But
the mailboxes it doesn't work.
Which troubleshooting steps have you taken so far?
nothing, I would like to sort the mailing-boxes.
Have you installed new software or hardware or changed something else
on your PC?
No, I haven't.
When you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode (if
applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About.
include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent
Be sure to put a consise summary of your question in the subject line, and
the full details in the body of your post.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards