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Old April 22nd 07, 02:05 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 122
Default Message could not be sent because recipient is rejected by server

Larry wrote:
But what does that mean, "not valid"?

Regardless of YOUR experience, it says that THAT computer sees the address
as "no good", non existant, not there, etc..
The idea isn't whether it's valid to YOU, it's saying it's not valid to
the COMPUTER at the other end. Anything you do or have done is not relevant
to it. Sounds pretty stupid, I know, but that's how it is.

It's a valid address,

YOU see it as valid. That computer, which is the one that is going to have
to deliver, it is of the opinion that it's NOT valid, and that's what
matters in this case.

used many
times, and I've tried it again to make sure it was entered correctly.
Why do these systems send error messages that can't be understood?

lol, damned good question! The answer is something along the lines of it
doesn't matter what WE understand, THEY are the ones that it is meaningful
to. Actually, those errors cover such a myriad of problems that meaningful
error messages are very hard to put together in the small space they are
allotted. It's a spaghetti container inside a can of spaghetti, if you

As an experiment, I made up a fictitious e-mail address and tried to
send it. I got the below error message, which is the same as what I
got before, except it says "PERMFAIL" instead of "TEMPFAIL."

Rightfully so: There is no such address at that end, so the mail can NEVER
be delivered, period. But with TEMPFAIL, it's telling you that the failure
is probably TEMPORARY, which in turn means, try again later. And you seem
to confirm that by having had the address work at one time and not another.
They are most likely doing work on the servers that has caused them to be
taken out of service. There are a lot of good reasons why they can't just
store up those messages, say, and deliever them later, unreasonable as that
may sound to you.
There ARE sites that will not even tell you that much. They'll just take
such mails and drop them to the floor, never to be delivered, and neither
the sender or receiver will ever know. In the end, you should be thankful
to at least know your message wasn't delivered. Many servers will give just
a 4xx or a 5xx mesage and not even bother to tell you anything else; you're
getting good treament, actually. No, I do NOT run any kind of server g!

The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was
rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was
'. Subject 'test', Account:
'', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 [PERMFAIL] destination not valid
within DNS', Port: 465, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 550, Error
Number: 0x800CCC79

Ahh, They are experiencing, and working hard (supposedly)
to get rid of, a serious infestation of spammers and zombied computers in
relay configuations. In other words, they have been "caught" and are now
reacting and suffering for their prior attitude of just ignoring such
things. Your experience isn't going to be unusual amongst their clients.
It'll stop messing up eventually; about all you can do is wait or see if the
recipient has any other email addresses such as yahoo or msn or whatever;
one of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of free email account sources.

BTW, it wouldn't be as simple as you lost the "Server Requires
Authentication" check mark, would it? That would cause a similar message.
I do NOT mean secure, I mean, authenticate, just as it says.

You might find these informative:
but take them with a grain of salt; they are not your exact situation. I
include them for info only.



"Poprivet" wrote in message
450 server error:
Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable

This response is sent by the server to indicate that a message could
not be addressed to a locally hosted recipient because the
mailbox/mail address is not valid.

That's a generic statement really, indicating that the mailbox isn't
available for whatever reason. Could you be mis typing the
addresses? Or have them stored wrongly spelled someplace?

Also notice the "tempfail"; may be it's temporary thing.
Maintenance, whatever.

Just a thought,


Larry wrote:
Using OE6 I was sending an e-mail to an address I've often sent to
before, using my AT&T Internet connection, and instead of the e-mail
being sent I got this message (I've changed the e-mail address to a
generic name with the same form and the subject to "Subject name"):

The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was
rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was
'. Subject '[Subject name]', Account:
'', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '450
[TEMPFAIL] destination not valid within DNS', Port: 465,
Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 450, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

This happens from time to time: addresses I've successfully sent to
many times will suddenly cause this error message, and then at a
later point I can send to them again. It's not a permanent issue,
but it's very annoying when it happens.

What is the explanation for this?
