Icons added?
After I did the latest updates from Microsoft I noticed that
when I get emails with photos as attachments, there is now a
set of icons in use just before the name of the file as
shown under attachments. For example, before this I might
get an attachment that showed as:
it now appears as:
where [x] consists of a small rectangle with JPG imposed
over it. If the attachment is [x]image456.gif, then [x] is
the small rectangle with GIF imposed over it.
I don't know if this is related to the updates from
Microsoft, or if I accidentally changed some option
somewhere. I prefer to avoid icons whenever I can, so any
ideas about how I might avoid these would be appreciated.
Many thanks.
Former slayer of dragons; practice now limited to sacred
cows. Believing we should hire for quality, not quotas, and
promote for performance, not preferences.