Thread: printing issue?
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Old April 24th 07, 09:00 AM posted to
Philippe - Swiss
external usenet poster
Posts: 16
Default printing issue?

Thanks, Robear!

"PA Bear" wrote in message
We expect both the 932538 and the 931657 hotfix to be included in an
upcoming Cumulative Update for IE, Philippe.
~PA Bear

"Philippe - Swiss" wrote in message
Yep, you're indeed absolutely...right (as...always; lol!); dear Robear!

And I was (by now) even able to install this KB/931657 from a great
hacker-site (= original version WITHOUT having to enter
the otherwise required (and time-limited)...PASSWORD; real cool!
(ie. no need to ask for "a personal" download at MS via phone...).

So now "we"' just have to wait for the (un-)official release of this
2nd hotfix under KB/932538, which should then solve the other
problem as well; ie. "STF" (shrink to fit) that correct, Robear?

Philippe - Swiss

"PA Bear" wrote in message
And if at the same time no header (To/From/Subject) is being printed...

A hotfix for this behavior is available:

The e-mail message header does not print when you try to print an e-mail
message by using either Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or Microsoft
Outlook Express:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin;

Philippe - Swiss wrote:
Hi there,

Well, until MS releases "publicly" this long awaited patch (!),
"simply" proceed as follows:

Provided affected mail has HTML content: OE6 Tools
Options Read check "Read all messages in plain text".
(= Solution for a too small text size on hardcopy).

And if at the same time no header (To/From/Subject) is being printed:
Highlight (at least) first character in message body Ctrl P Print
Page Range check "Selection".
(= Solution for missing header on hardcopy).

As far as I know, "this" has been working for most "victims"...

Philippe - Swiss

"Robert Aldwinckle" wrote in message
"Xanth" wrote in message
Yes just tried in IE 7.x

IE | page | text size | largest

selected largest text,

If it's like normal HTML you might also need to disable site-specified
Font size using the Accessibility dialog. Otherwise that View
has no effect on some documents (or parts of documents.)
Keystrokes in IE: Alt-T,O,Alt-e,z


Robert Aldwinckle--
