Reminder Error - Won't go away.
Patrick H wrote:
/thanks for the speedy response. I'll try to be more precise.
The /CleanReminders switch will work in opening Outlook, but the
problem remains in that when I open my Calendar, it pops up the
Reminder window, with two appointments from the past, both of them
When I click to dismiss each of the appointments, I get the message
"Cannot turn off the reminder. You may be reminded again. Could not
complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid"
I click OK and then the appt is dismissed. However when I close and
re-open Outlook, the same thing happens.
I have created a new profile and also run Detect and Repair, but the
problem persists each time I close and then open Outlook.
Since these are reminders are for past events, have you deleted the events?
It may be time to start with a new PST and copy the data over from the old.
Brian Tillman