*Reproducible* OL2K3 Meeting Request Tracking with Dist Lists Bro
Nope - never seen it and never used your method for sending to a DL. I doubt that many others have either.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, Chris asked:
| No one has any input??
| "Chris" wrote:
|| I have reproduced this with multiple stations in my environment all
|| using OL2K3 SP2 with all Office hotfixes applied. Can someone try
|| to replicate this? I'd like to get an idea if this is a problem
|| outside of my environment with Exchange 2003 SP2.
|| I create a new meeting request, click To and select a distribution
|| list as a Required attendee (number of members in DL does not
|| matter, reproduced with a list with 100 members and one with as
|| little as 2). When you return to the meeting request, the DL shows
|| in the To field with the + sign designating it as expandable. Do
|| not expand this! Fill out the rest of the info and send the request.
|| Now, when people's acceptances start coming back, the Tracking tab
|| on this meeting request should start listing the people as having
|| Accepted. This is where the problem lies. The Tracking tab lists
|| the Distribution List with the expandable + sign next to it. If you
|| expand the DL to show the members, people that have accepted are
|| still listed as None. The odd thing is that some times it will add
|| the responder to the meeting request listed individually as an
|| Optional attendee having Accepted status, not always but more often
|| than not. I had a DL with 15+ people on it, got all the acceptances
|| and none of the users listed under the DL updated and I got 10 of
|| them listed as Optional attendees.
|| Now here's the kicker. If I go back into the meeting request on my
|| calendar, expand it and save and close the meeting, it now lists all
|| attendees as individuals instead of under the + expandable DL. If I
|| mark the responders acceptances as unread and open each one (thus
|| marking it read) and then go back into the meeting request, it then
|| has the now expanded attendees updated as Accepted.
|| Given that I can reproduce this at will, it's apparent that either:
|| 1.) message tracking with distribution lists does not work and is
|| effectively broken because it is obvious that it was not intended to
|| work in this manner.
|| 2.) there is a problem with my Exchange 2K3 server
|| Five years as a QA analyst has left me reasonably sure the problem
|| is #1 but #2 leaves reasonable doubt and I don't have a secondary
|| Exchange system or non OL2K3 clients to test with.
|| On a side note, when first composing the meeting request, if I
|| expand the distribution list so it lists each attendee individually
|| and then send it, it then lists each person on the meeting request
|| tracking tab individually and their acceptances are automatically
|| updated properly.