Outlook won't start
Rob Parker wrote:
3. Tried opening Outlook in safe mode. This opens a Windows Installer
dialog, and reconfigures Office 2002 and Publisher 2002, prompting for
original CDs during the process. After the install/configuration,
Outlook tries to start, but fails as I reviously reported. I
therefore cannot access Help - Detect and Repair within Outlook.
You can, however, do a repair install from Add or Remove Programs.
Problem still not solved. Any further suggestions? Also, is it
normal that opening Outlook with the /safe switch will cause the
Windows Installer to run, re-configuring all Office 2002 (including
Publisher) - that seems a bit odd to me?
Seems a bit odd to me as well. It's indicative of missing pieces. If the
repair install doesn't help, uninstall Office completely, remove its
registry key, delete the files in
%AppData%\Microsoft\Outlook and in %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook (except for your PST, of course), and reinstall.
Brian Tillman