Brian, the second window is working great. One note (for future inquirers):
I've found that the 2nd window only closes/reopens automatically if you use
File Exit on the main window. Clicking the red X in the upper right corner
(as I normally do) doesn't work.
I'd like to mark this thread as "answered" but I didn't originate it.
Thanks again!
"Dorci" wrote:
Brian, I'm glad you replied anyway. That 2nd instance wasn't working out too
I'll try your solution now.
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Dorci wrote:
How do I display the Calendar and Inbox in separate windows? I can't
seem to open a 2nd instance of Outlook.
I didn't say you should open a second instance of Outlook. WIth your Inbox
showing, right-click your Calendar and choose Open in New Window.
Brian Tillman