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Old May 7th 07, 02:20 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 13
Default OE newsgroup .dbx file name BUG

On WinXP SP2, Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180:

1. Subscribe a newsgroup "szGroupName" under news account A (NewsServerA), a
"szGroupName.dbx" file is created ok, then unsubscribe it, close OE,
"szGroupName.dbx" file is deleted ok.

2. Restart OE, subscribe the same newsgroup "szGroupName" under news account
B (NewsServerB), a "szGroupName.dbx" file is created ok.

3. Subscribe the newsgroup "szGroupName" under news account A (NewsServerA)
again, WOW!!! It uses the same "szGroupName.dbx" file!!!

Then what a mass!

1. Click NewsServerA.GroupFolder, it deletes all messages (from NewsServerB)
in the folder, and then downloads messages from NewsServerA.

2. Click NewsServerB.GroupFolder, it shows the messages (from NewsServerA).

3. Unsubscribe one of them, close OE, the "szGroupName.dbx" file is deleted,
restart OE, click the GroupFolder, it re-creates "szGroupName.dbx" file
and re-downloads messages.

It seems a BUG of OE:

1. When NewsServerA.szGroupName is subscribed, it checks if a szDbxFileName
record already exists for NewsServerA.szGroupName, if exists, uses
szDbxFileName, if NOT, uses "szGroupName.dbx" (if "szGroupName.dbx" already
exists in the file directory, uses "szGroupName (1).dbx").

2. When NewsServerA.szGroupName is unsubscribed, the szDbxFileName record is
not removed!!!

3. When NewsServerB.szGroupName is subscribed, acts as step 1, uses

4. When NewsServerA.szGroupName is subscribed again, acts as step 1, uses
previous recorded szDbxFileName="szGroupName.dbx"!!!

The szDbxFileName record can't be removed with unsubscribing szGroupName, it
can be removed only with deleting the news account (and all news groups
under this account).

I won't to delete all news groups under either account, so I hack this by:

1. Compact all folder (is this the only way to compact Folders.dbx?).

2. Find "szGroupName.dbx" string in Folders.dbx (compacting delete all
unused "szGroupName.dbx" strings, so the found string is the active

3. Change the first "szGroupName.dbx" string to "szGroupNam1.dbx", and the
second string to "szGroupNam2.dbx", it works!

Could someone tell me if this bug has reported and fixed? And has someone
tested this bug on Windows Mail (I have no vista machine)? Why not to give
a function of customizing the .dbx file names (both newsgroup and mail)?
