un able to do a compact all in OE6
marrie wrote:
I don't think it's my screen reader. it just tells me what's there.
I know what a screen reader does, Marrie. I don't know for sure if the
screen reader's the problem either but I think you should at least rule it
out. wink
~PA Bear
marrie wrote:
I don't think it's my screen reader. it just tells me what's there. I cold
try it with *gulp* narator and see what happens. Maybe it can give me a
ass to what's happeneng.
PA Bear wrote:
See Bruce's reply...and I think you'll need the assistance of a
sighted person to assist you any further, Marrie, I'm sorry to say.
However, on the remote, off-chance that your screen reader software
is causing the problem, try disabling it before you run a manual
compact. --
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin; DTS-L.org
marrie wrote:
This is a follow up thread as I'm haivn tproblems sending witht e
thread. Hear is what we did so far.
1. creat a new identity. i called it test for now.
2. do a compact all with no problems making sure I was off line
3. import about 5 folders and compact all.no problems
4. repeat step 2 until I had problems.
5. make sure that problem folder was deleted in the test identity
and made sure the deleted items folder was empty
The problem of not beeing able to perform a compact all in OE 6
still occures with a different folder beeing spoken (I use a screen
reader) every
time the message that a folder is in use by OE or a different
program, appears. I hope all of this info helps.