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Old May 10th 07, 07:10 PM posted to
PA Bear
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,031
Default un able to do a compact all in OE6

I don't think reinstalling/repairing OE will fix the problem, Marrie (and
doing so is fraught with pitfalls). /Formatting/ and reinstalling Windows
probably would (a Repair Install probably would not) but that's a rather
drastic and even more complicated step.

Personally, I'd recommend taking the machine (i.e., the tower) to a local,
reputable and independent (i.e., not BigBoxStoreUSA) shop. Have them do a
/thorough/ check for hijackware. If that doesn't resolve the problem, have
them back-up your personal data, format and reinstall Windows using the CD
that came with the machine or that you originally purchased.

They should then get all critical updates installed, enable the Windows
Firewall (or install a third-party firewall of your choice), install and
properly configure an anti-virus application, and then copy your personal
data back to the machine.

Good luck. This is one of the thorniest OE issues I've seen in years.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin;

marrie wrote:
Well, Using narator didn't help. it stil tokd me the same message. so it's
not my screen reader. I might just bite the bullet and reformat at some
and see if it goes away. Or find a way to reinstall OE6.

PA Bear wrote:
marrie wrote:
I don't think it's my screen reader. it just tells me what's there.

I know what a screen reader does, Marrie. I don't know for sure if
the screen reader's the problem either but I think you should at
least rule it out. wink
~PA Bear

marrie wrote:
I don't think it's my screen reader. it just tells me what's there.
I cold try it with *gulp* narator and see what happens. Maybe it
can give me a clue
ass to what's happeneng.

PA Bear wrote:
See Bruce's reply...and I think you'll need the assistance of a
sighted person to assist you any further, Marrie, I'm sorry to

However, on the remote, off-chance that your screen reader
software is causing the problem, try disabling it before you run
a manual compact. --
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin;

marrie wrote:
This is a follow up thread as I'm haivn tproblems sending witht e
thread. Hear is what we did so far.
1. creat a new identity. i called it test for now.
2. do a compact all with no problems making sure I was off line
3. import about 5 folders and compact problems
4. repeat step 2 until I had problems.
5. make sure that problem folder was deleted in the test identity
and made sure the deleted items folder was empty

The problem of not beeing able to perform a compact all in OE 6
still occures with a different folder beeing spoken (I use a
screen reader) every
time the message that a folder is in use by OE or a different
program, appears. I hope all of this info helps.
