This site gives the best overall overview of resource scheduling and provides links to other resources:
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
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After furious head scratching, Jacquem asked:
| At my company, we are trying to use a calendar to allocate equipment
| for sampling soil and such. And we would like to figure out how to
| set up a sort of Resource scheduling calendar. Our goal is to have
| two employees from a department as delegates. They don’t want to
| allow employees to do their own scheduling for good reason. Anyways,
| this is how far we got and need some advice: We’ve set each
| resource w/its own mailbox and given permission to the Inbox and
| Calendar to the two delegate-employees; set Calendar Options to
| ‘Automatically accept, decline if conflict, and decline if
| recurring.’ Our problem is in the Scheduling and Tracking tabs, the
| resources do not show up as being occupied for an allotted time.
| I even gave myself Ownership to try and view these TEST appointments
| and I can’t see the resources listed in the Scheduling and Tracking
| tab. We all can see a note in the calendar that several resources are
| reserved, but not
| What must I change to allow everyone to view the resources? If you
| need further information, please let me know. Any suggestions would
| be greatly appreciated