I am a complete novice - but I think you can enter a formula into the subject
line of a custom Outlook form to automatically fill the date. While you are
editing the compose page of the form, right-click the subject field and go to
the properties menu. Go to the "Value" tab and click the checkbox for "Set
initial value...", then click the "Edit..." button to the right. On the new
dialog box, click the "Function" button and select "Date/Time", then select
the "Date()" function.
I am pretty sure that this will tell outlook that whenever you send the
custom form, The current date will appear in the subject line of the e-mail.
If you are not designing a form, I don't know of a way to get the current
date into the subject line.
Casi wrote:
I need to send out a reoccurring email every morning to every one in my
office and I would like to set Outlook to do this for me, can someone please
tell if there is a field that I can put in the subject line that will pull a
current date for the day that the email is going out? Thank you.
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