It's going to take a bit of work.
I would start by creating a CSV (Comma Separated Values) text file of
the e-mail addresses. I don't know if you list also includes names. A
sample CSV with names would look like:
Name,E-mail Address
With just e-mail addresses
E-mail Address
You can look at the message source (Ctrl-F3), then copy/paste into
Notepad and edit.
Then import into a new empty WAB file
The Windows Address Book (WAB)
You can either leave the entries there and use that WAB for mailings, or
copy/paste from there into the desired folder in your mail address book.
Mike -
wrote in message
I have rcvd an email from a club member.
I would like to put the TO list of people into my address book.
Preferably in a separate folder and as a new group.
1. Is there a way to add the whole recipient list to the address book?
2. Can I do it into a separate folder so I don't have to sort them out
3 OR can I do it into a group - less preferable than 2.
I know how to make folders and move contacts and make groups, etc.
the issue is doing it with ALL the TO list at one time.