Adding Distribution list to an e-mail with multiple mailboxes
I'm fairly new to VB so please bear with me if my methods are obscure!
At work I have my own inbox and a shared mailbox which contains some
group distribution lists. I'm trying to create a Macro that sends an e-
mail to one of these distribtions lists, however, I'm struggling to
add it to my e-mail.
So far, I've tried the following piece of code...
Dim myRecipient As DistListItem
Set myRecipient = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders.Item("Mailbox -
Nimrod_operations_Team_mail (UK)").Folders.Item("Distribution
Lists").Items("Test Distribution")
With Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
.Recipients.Add (myRecipient)
End With
Yet, all this does is add the text 'Test Distribution' to the e-mail
To: box and doesn't recognise it as a distribution list.
Where do I go from here?