Hi Gandalf252002,
or how friends say: "wisest of the Maiar"
Your questions:
If she uses a seperate login to the computer on XP will she get her own
default .PST?
Normaly yes.
"I would like to share my calender with her,.."
Have a look on this site for "Share Outlook on the same computer"
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook in your network without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"Gandalf252002" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I hope that somebody can help with the following. I am not even sure
it is possible based on what I have read. However maybe somebody has
a workaround, or an alternative solution.
I share the computer with my girlfirend and have been using it
extensively. I would like to share my calender with her, and start
having her use Outllok as well and am not sure if this will work. I
know that we would have seperate .PST files, and would have to
navigate back and forth. If she uses a seperate login to the computer
on XP will she get her own default .PST?
Eventually I would like to create other schedules in shared calenders
for things like exercise classes at the gym. This way I can see when
we both will be able to take classes together since she works shift