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Old May 18th 07, 07:30 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 122
Default Junk mail is horrendous

I would change their email address to something like:

Digits at the end of a username are still highly dictionariable by software.
Spammers often go the route from 0, 1, 2, up to who knows how high? The
digits should be inside the name, e.g., ddg45fed... for better security.
Much harder to "dictionary". Spammers do the obvious, but not things that
take a lot of time or work.


The username should be generated randomly so that spammers can't
generate all possible addresses.

Also, instruct them not to subscribe to any free Newsletters or buy
online from irreputable vendors!


ACE wrote:

I have been in this discussion group before regarding the same
subject. However, I really need to get some type of solution to the
problem we are having with junk mail. I posted before that I set my
parents up with OE. Just last week, they received 1500 pieces of
junk mail. Now, that is totally unacceptable. I did, as suggested,
set up a filter using the address book method, but really now. All
of this junk mail just goes into their deleted file which still
needs to be perused. I took a look at some of this junk mail, and
it is very strange, at least to my untrained eye. The entire block
of spam was in alphabetical order and it covered every subject
under the sun. Now, please tell me there is a reason and that it can
be fixed.

Thank you very much!

