OEQB and wab file plus confused "Main identity" .......
Is there a specific place that OEQB looks for to find the wab file?
I ask because, long ago I moved my dbx files from whatever the default
location was to my data partition. OE6 knows where to find them and
there is no problem there.
Recently, learning from this newsgroup, I started to use OEQB to backup
my OE data for additional safety. When I start OEQB it starts by backing
my wab file (usually asking if I should let it overwrite it. It then
backs all the other dbx files overwriting them with no problem. At the
very end, after it seems to have backed up everything, it pops up a
error message saying:
"Cannot copy file: Cannot read from the source file or disk."
The file that seems to stump it - according to its status line - is
"Adress Book Backup Complete"
The above is not a misspelling. It actually is written "Adress" rather
than Address. I do not know if that is just a spelling coding error in
OEQB, it looking for the address book in some default location I no
longer have it in, or it is having problems with some other OE file.
When I compact OE's folders, they compact fine with no errors and there
is no problem with the compacting copying files to the Recycle bin.
When I click OK on the error message, OEQB's status line says:
"Backup Complete" and "2 identities backed up". I looked at the
manage identities and yes I do have 2 identities - both named "Main
Identity"! When I switch identities, I can see no difference in OE's
folders or anything else. So I do not know which one to remove - if that
is the problem, or why OE permitted two identities with identical names.
Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I am new to using OEQB and there
does not seem to be a log file for it I can find that would help explain
the problem.