To read a Unicode PST file (Outlook 2003 and up) you need the Outlook version of MAPI, Exchange version of MAPI does not support it.
Make sure you do not install both Exchange and Outlook on the same machine - such a configuration is not supported since each installs its own incompatible version of MAPI
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"Ariel R" wrote in message . ..
(Crossposted from the "New users" folder. Sent there by mistake)
Hey everyone.
I need to run MAPI functions on an Exchange-less and Outlook-less machine. Specifically - I want to read a PST file (and I'm using Outlook Redemption to wrap all the Extended MAPI hell.)
I saw that since Outlook2007 the MAPI and the Outlook are not combined (see: under "MAPI dlls"), and I also found the MAPI for Exchange download (he
I do however, have a problem opening PST files created in the new (2003) Outlook format (97-2002 work well). So I assume I simply need MAPI for Outlook.
So, kind folks, advise me: is there such an installation? Is there some ugly rip I can do? Will there be no other choice but to install OL in the target machine?
Any help will be appreciated.