unistalled Office 2007 reinstalled Office 2003 error
I uninstalled Office 2007 and then installed Office 2003 and now can no
longer open Outlook. I get the same message each time:
"Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Unable to open the Outlook window.
The set of folders could not be opened. The server is not avaiable. Contact
your administrator if this condition persists."
I am running on an Exchange server and have server access. I have tried
uninstalling Outlook and reinstalling. I have teried repairing outlook. I
have tried making new .pst folders and deleting the old ones. I have tried
new .ost folders and deleted the old ones. I have tried changing the server
path to the Exchange internet address instead of the local server address. I
have done a search of my entire system and deleted all Office 12 folders.
Most of the forums I have found have all told me to open outlook and choose
the profile and make the changes to the .pst folders there but I cannot even
open outlook. I have not been able to initally open outlook at all since i
started this.
I am running Windows XP with Service Packs 1 and 2.
Any ideas?